Video in Open Educational Ressources (OER)
Rolf Rüdiger
Additional Presenter: Carlos Turro, UPV
Within this presentation we want to introduce the X5gon EU-Project to the Opencast community. The project wants to increase the usage of OER by lowering the barriers to find and use open learning material.
The use of video ressources is one of the focus points of this projects. Several state of the art techniques, like transcriptions, semantic analysis, usage date, etc will be used to gain more information on a video, that can be used for better search results and recommendations of further ressources.
As the Universitat Politècnica de València and Universität Osnabrück, which are both active in the Opencast community, are also participating in X5gon project, they will provide interfaces for Opencast to allow an integration with the X5gon APIs.