Learning through video analysis - online & collaborative
David Graf
The educational use of video in higher education is accelerating rapidly. E.g., video give students not only the possibility to recapitulate recorded lectures or to prepare for in class time in an inverted classroom, they also offer the opportunity to receive feedback on once own performance or to thoroughly analyze a captured situation or activity. The Opencast Annotation Tool (aka Annotating Academic Video) is an easy-to-use-tool for analysing videos online. In this presentation several use cases will be presented of how online-video-annotation with the Opencast Annotation Tool (some of them in combination with ILIAS) can be introduced for interactive and collaborative learning scenarios.
After a short presentation and live demonstration of the main features of the tool the following use cases will be presented:
- Enhanced videos for teaching and learning
- Case-based learning using captured (real or re-enacted) situations
- Video-based self-reflection scenarios
- Video-bases peer-coaching scenarios
During the Opencast Community Summit a test-series for the interested public present at this presentation will be available.